Carrozzone-Magazzini criminali-Magazzini-Lombardi Tiezzi

Vedute di Porto Said. 1978

Il Carrozzone. Vedute di Porto Said. 1978. Foto di Giuseppe Pino. Pubblicata in Rossella Bonfiglioli (a cura di) 'Frequenze barbare : Teatro Ambiente, Cinema, Mass Media, Metropoli, Musica, Pornografia nel Carrozzone Magazzini Criminali Prod.', La Casa Usher, Firenze 1981, p.138

Vedute di Porto Said (1978)

Exterior in interior-interiors in exterior of Federico Tiezzi.
directed by Federico Tiezzi.
soundtrack by Sandro Lombardi.
with Marion D’Amburgo, Alga Fox, Luisa Saviori, Pierluigi Tazzi, Federico Tiezzi, Luca Vespa.
Debut Firenze, Teatro Rondò di Bacco, 3 February 1978

Vedute di Porto Said. Presentation

by Mauro Petruzziello
On his way back from the Congo to Marseille, Arthur Rimbaud stopped at Port Said. At this time, he was suffering from a syphilis-related tumour. More than an explicit reference guiding the project Vedute di Porto Said, this hint to Rimbaud’s story acts as an evanescent suggestion. I call it a “project” and not a “performance” because Vedute di Porto Said is a series of “studies for environment”, a definition chosen by the company itself to speak of its own approach to “analytical-existential” theatre (this definition is Giuseppe Bartolucci’s). Each of these studies is autonomous and interchangeable, and substitutes the strong visuality typical of Carrozzone’s early to mid-1970s works with a tension towards a “zero degree” of language. The new aim of this “zero degree” is to eschew narrative content and concentrate on an analytical study of relations as they variate across theatre’s different elements: body, space and time.

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Vedute di Porto Said

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Roberto De Monticelli, Il teatro che non è teatro, «Corriere della Sera», April 12, 1978