Giorgio Barberio Corsetti

Giorgio Barberio Corsetti

Giorgio Barberio Corsetti

Giorgio Barberio Corsetti – biographical notes

by Valentina Valentini
Giorgio Barberio Corsetti, director, author and actor, founded La Gaia Scienza with Marco Solari and Alessandra Vanzi in 1976. The group broke up in 1984, when Barberio Corsetti created his new company, which since 2001 he called Fattore K.
Giorgio Barberio Corsetti has been exploring for many years as a director, through his theatre, the frontiers between theatre and other arts: visual arts, poetry, writing, music, circus games, video art, dancing …  His researches and works in Italy and abroad are defined each time by very different yet equally powerful styles, as the writing of Kafka, Goethe, Kleist, Ovidio, Shakespeare, Pirandello, Chrétien de Troyes, Labiche, Renaissance and Baroque painting, contemporary dramaturgy, Barker Dimitriades, Lohle, Rossini’s melodrama, Verdi, Donizetti, Bellini, Guarnieri, Adams, Hoffenbach… Beside his theatre activity, he dedicated his research to operas and to the connection between music and theatre. His first confrontation with an opera was in 1999, when he directed Donizetti’s Maria di Rohan at the Teatro La Fenice in Venice. Some others were Poulenc/Cocteau’s La Voix Humaine and Schönberg’s Ertwartung in 2000. In October 2005 he started off at the RomaEuropa Festival with Iniziali BCGLF, a musical creation shared with Giovanni Lindo Ferretti, and in 2005 he staged Claudio Monteverdi’s Orfeo for the Opéra of Lille. He directed Rossini’s opera La Pietra del Paragone at the Teatro Regio in Parma in 2006, and at the Théâtre Châtelet in Paris in January 2007. Equally engaged in classical and contemporary writings, he has always interpreted them as live texts, active enigmas to decode the surrounding world.

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Documents are published in original language. In case the translation is present, both the original and the translation are published.

Writings by artists and interviews

Valentina Valentini, Giorgio Barberio Corsetti, «Westuff», September-October, 1987

Valentina Valentini, Letteratura come vizio segreto, Interview with Giorgio Barberio Corsetti, «Biblioteca teatrale», n 74-76, Bulzoni editore, 2005


Teatrography,, by Valentina Valentini e Mauro Sabatini


, by Valentina Valentini