La Gaia Scienza

Cuori strappati. 1983

La Gaia Scienza. Cuori strappati. 1983.

Cuori strappati (1983)

With Giorgio Barberio Corsetti, Marco Solari, Irene Grazioli, Guidarello Pontani, Alessandra Vanzi
Lighting and scenery Alessandro Violi
Costumes by Claire Longo
Graphics by Beatrice Scarpato
Music selections by Wiston Tong, Bruce Gedulding, Tuxedo Moon
Organization Massimo Pasquini
Sound engineering Ennio Fantastichini
Technical scene realization Aldo Fornari
Tailoring Antonietta Fornari
the word dress by Gianni Dessi
Mida’s objects by Giuseppe Gallo
Press office Anda Fabrizi
Computerized portrayal of set desgn by Michele Böhm
the Il vento costume worn by Irene Grazioli designed by Gianni Dessi
First performance: Rome, Padiglione Borghese, May 2, 1983.
Repeats:May 1983: Cosenza, Palazzo dello Sport – Nami, Piazza dei Priori. – July 1983: Florence, Giardino di Villa Machiavelli – Polverigi Festival – Turin, Teatro Verdi in Points – Bari, Castello Svevo – Aosta – Zurich (CH), Zürcher Theater Spektakel. – September 1983: Frankfurt’s Theater am Turn. – October 1983: Graz (AU), Steirischer Herbst – Rome, Teatro Olimpico. – January 1984: Fabriano, Teatro Comunale. – February 1984: Rimini, Teatro Novelli – Carpi, Teatro Comunale. – March 1984: Cagliari, Auditorium – Nuoro, Teatro Eliseo – Sassari, Teatro Verdi – Palermo, Teatro Biondo. – April 1984: Naples, Teatro Mediterraneo – Milano, Teatro Hermes. – May 1984: Bologna, Teatro Testoni. – July 1984: Turin, Teatro Verdi in points. – August 1984: Bari, Castello Svevo. – September 1984: Rome, Teatro Argentina. – October 1984: New York (USA), Teatro Cafe La Mama.

Cuori strappati. Presentation

by Stefano Scipioni
After the vibrant nocturnal page of Gli Insetti preferiscono le ortiche, now, just a year later, comes Cuori strappati, a masterpiece of grace and nonsense, which is a unique, exemplary culmination of the perfect harmony and maturity achieved by the group. The title should not mislead. In this chameleonic, colorful puzzle there is no place for tragedy or sentimental torments, but a joyful, lively reinvention of playful forms where the game of doubles and metamorphoses is the driving force of the show. After a stunning opening on a nocturnal note sealed by a downpour of water and the appearance of a curtain-membrane from which the body of an actor struggles to escape, as if to suggest the idea of ​​a birth, the play brightens with the colors of a Mediterranean solarity, shifting to the heart of a town like something out of an operetta,  with colorful blocks of buildings dotted with lopsided platforms, staircases and doorways that replace the wooded landscape of the previous performances. Mediating with the practice of installation, The Gay Science defined the stage space for the first time with a backstage and backdrops, but did so in its own way by upsetting the traditional theatrical conventions to once again create a ubiquitous dimension based on multiple viewpoints.

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Documents are published in original language. In case the translation is present, both the original and the translation are published.

© sketches by Beatrice Scarpato
Published in «Frigidaire», n ° 32-33, July-August, 1983.

La Gaia Scienza, Cuori Strappati, in the insert of the magazine «Acquario», No. 4, April 1984

Writings by artists and interviews

Marco Solari, Associazioni di idee, «Frigidaire», n°32-33, July-August, 1983

Alessandra Vanzi, I tuoi fianchi, il tuo seno, «Frigidaire», n°32-33, July-August, 1983

Guidarello Pontani, Sydney è bellissima, «Frigidaire», n°32-33, July-August, 1983

Giorgio Barberio Corsetti, Storia della donna serpente, «Frigidaire», n°32-33, July-August, 1983

Giorgio Barberio Corsetti, Storia della donna vampiro, «Frigidaire», n°32-33, July-August, 1983

La Gaia Scienza, Typescript dello schema dei movimenti,

La Gaia Scienza, Manuscript dello schema della musica,

La Gaia Scienza, Presentazione spectacle cd-rom «percorsi cifrati»

Massimo Pasquini, Diaristica organizzativa, «Frigidaire», n°32-33, July-August, 1983


Cuori Strappati

from the archive of Marco Solari

La Gaia Scienza - Cuori Strappati

© Photo of Maria Causati
Published in «Frigidaire», n ° 32-33, July-August, 1983. The original captions are by Carlo Infante

Computerized processing of the scenographies

by Michele Böhm
The artist Michele Böhm had developed software that ran on the Apple II and generated random views in 3D wireframe of the scene.
Music of the spectacle

Giuseppe Bartolucci, Questi fantastici Cuori strappati, program of spectacle

Nico Garrone, E il computer ha progettato il paesaggio per le risate, «la Repubblica», April 14, 1983

Carlo Infante, Cuori strappati dal calcolatore. Da Domani la Gaia Scienza «il Manifesto», May 1, 1983

Maurizio Grande, Mestiere e piacere in un concerto di pareti, «Rinascita», May 13, 1983

Franco Quadri, a cura di, La Gaia Scienza - Cuori strappati, «il Patalogo», n° 5-6, Ubulibri, 1984.

Critical writings

Valentina Valentini, Sulla costellazione, in ODRADEK, i quaderni, 1, omaggio a LA GAIA SCIENZA, center ODRADEK, Rome, 1987.

Achille Mango, Before and after the theatre, in ODRADEK, i quaderni, 1, omaggio a LA GAIA SCIENZA, center ODRADEK, Rome, 1987.

Massimo De Querquis, Sulla sensibilità teatrale, in ODRADEK, i quaderni, 1, omaggio a LA GAIA SCIENZA, center ODRADEK, Rome, 1987.

Massimo De Querquis, Schema spettacolo Cuori strappati de La Gaia Scienza in ODRADEK, i quaderni, 1, omaggio a LA GAIA SCIENZA, center ODRADEK, Rome, 1987.

Context materials

Giuseppe Bartolucci, Figure e modi, in ODRADEK, i quaderni, 1, omaggio a LA GAIA SCIENZA, centro ODRADEK, Rome, 1987