La Gaia Scienza, La rivolta degli oggetti. 1976.
With Giorgio Barberio Corsetti, Marco Solari, Alessandra Vanzi
Space e stage material consultants Gianni Dessì and Domenico Bianchi
Premiere, Rome, Beat ‘72, March 24, 1976
Repeats: May 1976: Rome, Castel Sant’Angelo – Salerno, Festival della Post-Avanguardia. November 1976: Cosenza, Palestra dello spirito Santo.
La rivolta degli oggetti. Presentation
by Stefano Scipioni
La rivolta degli oggetti (‘The Revolt of the Objects’) takes its cue from Mayakovsky, but references to him, besides being within the text, are used as fragments in certain constructivist choices of reference. The staging coordinates are the Meyerhold Theater and the Peking Opera, but also new American dance and Steve Paxton’s contact improvisation. From these references the group seeks its stylistic measure, based on the actor as physical concrete presence linked to movement and gesture. Barberio Corsetti, Marco Solari and AlessandraVanzi at times seem like acrobats and at times like dancers, but actually their actions are an effective way of acting in a non-mimetic theater. Speech itself is given an anti-interpretive measure, delivered in phrasal fragments repeated and overlapped with alternating registers and different intonations.
Equally transgressive is how the body is used to abolish physical conditionings imposed by the laws of gravity, to freely expand in space and explore it in all directions. The Beat ’72 space (repainted white for the occasion) is crisscrossed by hanging ropes, which the actors work upon to produce a long sought sense of lightness and liberation, preferring to hang from ropes instead of surrendering to the gravity of the ground.
Documents are published in original language. In case the translation is present, both the original and the translation are published.
Simone Carella, La Gaia scienza presenta «La rivolta degli oggetti», «Teatroltre - la scrittura scenica», n. 14, 1976.
Ubaldo Soddu, La rivolta degli oggetti, «Il Messaggero», March 26, 1976.
Tommaso Chiaretti, Recitano in tre solo con il corpo, «la Repubblica», March 26, 1976.
Giulio Baffi, «La rivolta degli oggetti» affrontata con piglio giovanile, «l'Unità», March 27, 1976.
Franco Cordelli, Fedele infedeltà per Majakovski al quadrato, «Paese sera», March 28, 1976.
Vice, Lettura gestuale di Majakovskij, «La Voce Repubblicana», March 29, 1976.
Rino Mele, Le guerre le vinco meglio io, «Tempo», 11 April 1976.
La Gaia Scienza,, La rivolta degli oggetti. 1976 : Bibliography, edited by Stefano Scipioni
Giuseppe Bartolucci, Dove va l'avanguardia, «Teatroltre. La scrittura scenica», n. 14, 1976.
Rubina Giorgi A proposito di Postavanguardia, «Teatroltre. La scrittura scenica», n. 14, 1976.
Mimma Valentino, La Postavanguardia ovvero il teatro analitico-esistenziale. Lo Stran’amore, il Carrozzone, la Gaia Scienza, in Mimma Valentino, Il Nuovo Teatro in Italia 1976-1985, Titivillus editore, Corazzano (Parma), 2015