Avita murì (1978)
By Leo de Berardinis and Perla Peragallo
With Leo de Berardinis and Perla Peragallo
Debut: Florence, Rondò di Bacco, January 26, 1978
Avita murì
by Donatella Orecchia
In January 1978, Leo de Berardinis and Perla Peragallo brought to the stage Avita murì, “a tragicomic ballad of death.” The idea of an actual encounter with the world of the lumpen proletariat, which had largely kept alive Marigliano’s experience, was now becoming completely passé. And Avita murì was a painful confession of this failure.
Leo is a “shabby Pulcinella trying to speak in Florentine dialect,” Perla “a lame Colombina on crutches”: two masks of the Neapolitan tradition which in southern Italy represent, respectively, the lumpen proletariat, with its perennially unsated hunger; and purity along with the concreteness of the land and procreation.
Two traditional masks that have here become passé. He speaks in Florentine dialect, and she is lame; he is arrogant and their dialogues are trite, mangled proverbs from a popular culture that has gone to seed. As “survivors they grope for words they can no longer find, exchange meaningless dialogue, fish for outworn clichés from the most corny vaudeville, cross-purposes that surpass the early Ionesco, they make do with a caccavella elevated to the dignity of a child, improvising above the Stravinsky of the soundtrack a wonderful concert with two empty beer cans and their voices in microphones.” “Avita a’ murì,” they whisper at varied pitches, “you have to die” (adding: “because you don’t know how to live”).
Documents are published in original language. In case the translation is present, both the original and the translation are published.
Franco Quadri, Avita murì, «Panorama», February 14, 1978
Guido Davico Bonino, Pulcinella, Colombina poi la fine del mondo? «La Stampa», 7 April, 1978
Anna Maria Cascetta, Anche Pulcinella un mito distrutto, «Il Popolo», April 16, 1978
Salvatore Rizzo, Leo e Perla: una coppia nel mito dell'avanguardia, «Il Giornale di Sicilia», 16 September 1979
Salvatore Rizzo, Pulcinella e Colombina si divertono... «Il Giornale di Sicilia», 16 September 1979
Gigi Livio and Ruggero Bianchi, Incontro con Leo De Berardinis e Perla Peragallo, «Quarta Parete», 3/4, 1977
Oliviero Ponte di PIno, Per un teatro jazz in Jack Gelber, La connection con l'intervento di Leo De Berardinis, Ubulibri, Milano, 1983